Title: About Mult-Sig Owner Rotation(Season 5~Season 6)
Duration: 2023 June 1st - 2023 November 30th(About 6 Months)
Proposal Champion: Marcus
Proposal Date: May 22th,2023
Welcome to the election of a Mult-Sig Owner role holder for Season 5 and Season 6
If you are not familiar with the rules of the multi-signature rotation, please visit our LXDAO Multi-Signature Rotation Rules:
This proposal will change 2 parts The first is to increase the number of multi-signature holders from 5 to 7
Also, a multi-signature list will be decided based on the nomination and voting results of the forum proposal
The number of Mult-Sig Owner will be increased from 5 to 7
After the forum vote, the list of contenders has been confirmed