Earn passive income in crypto, including staking
Lyra Finance white paper - https://www.lyra.finance/files/v2-whitepaper.pdf
- Description: A generalized risk engine running on Lyra Chain, an Ethereum rollup built with the OP Stack.
- Key Features:
- Offers a capital-efficient platform for traders.
- Modular and rapidly upgradable.
- Ensures users maintain self-custody of their funds.
The protocol has three main sources of
fee generation:
- Trading fees: All transactions that increase the open
interest (and therefore risk) of the system will be
charged a fee. This fee will be a function of the spot
price of the underlying asset and size of the trade.
- Liquidation fees: Users who are liquidated will be
charged a small fee that scales with the risk and
market value of their subaccount.
- Interest rate spreads: A percentage of all interest
paid by quote asset borrowers is taken as a fee.
All fees will accrue to the Protocol owned Security
Module which improves the robustness and resiliency of
the protocol.
Staking vs Restaking
Most broadly, [staking](https://chain.link/education-hub/what-is-staking-crypto#:~:text=Chainlink staking combines implicit staking,out in SLA smart contracts.) is a cryptoeconomic model that incentivizes the correct behavior of network participants using penalties and rewards in order to strengthen its underlying security. It is used by a range of Web3 protocols, including proof-of-stake blockchain networks like Ethereum and individual DeFi applications like MakerDAO.
- 协议收入归属:评估协议收入中多大比例归属于代币持有人是关键。高比例的收入分配可以吸引投资者,增加代币的吸引力。