EIPs Grants Design

<aside> <img src="/icons/circle-dashed_purple.svg" alt="/icons/circle-dashed_purple.svg" width="40px" /> Design Goal: An effective, stable, and credibly neutral grants mechanism.


Mike’s input

What is EIPs Grants

A Grants Pool mechanism to assist in the development of the EIPs ecosystem.

一个协助 EIPs 生态发展的 Grants Pool 机制。

Why we need EIPs Grants

The importance of EIPs to the Ethereum ecosystem is as clear as day. However, besides the Magicians, there seems to be no other efficient means for builders to communicate and share ideas. We believe that there's a need for a more effective system, where everyone can share insights, collaborate, and actively contribute to the EIPs they deem crucial. Additionally, we've noticed that some EIPs, which lean more towards being public goods, require substantial backing from the community.

EIP 之于 Ethereum 生态的重要性不言而喻,但除了 Magician 之外,似乎建设者之间没有更高效的信息传递方式。我们可能需要一种更好的方式,让大家高效分享信息,且可以共同协调,为各自认为重要的 EIPs 做出自己所能所愿的贡献。同时,我们也注意到一些更偏向公共物品性质的 EIP 需要更多建设力量的支持。