Contributor Type Details lxpu usdt Amount - total
Shanni Fixed Position Lead 1300 1950 3250
Samo Bonus Starknet Writing 60 90 150
Samo Meeting meetings and contribution 26 39 65
Bob(Akagi) Tech sharing ERC-404 NFT Liquidity 140 210 350
Bob(Akagi) Meeting Shared Reth, meetings contribution 40 60 100
Ache Operation Meetings 32 48 80
Tiao Translation Bounty Starknet writing (not adapted) 48 72 120 (The Amount Tiao asked for)
Loxia Bounty Restaking writing (not adapted) 10 15 25
Ray LX Node Bounty LxNode - puffer, artela, and lxnode plan 272 408 680
Shanni LX Node Bounty lit protocol 48 72 120
Total 1976 2964 4940