整理一些认真做事,却没获得资助的项目. =》 作为OP社区,我们为OP提供的价值

9 votes

VMEX created an opportunity for Optimism protocols, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to, to get their protocol and deposit assets listed on a lending protocol. Additionally, VMEX is a reliable & risk focused place for users to borrow against and maximize rewards on their staked LP and vault assets. This adds desired utility that is beneficial to both the protocols and users.

Lending protocol: 26k TVL, no funding in the past from OP.



9 votes


The primary objective of the website is to aggregate all transactions from various protocols, including Layer 1 and Layer 2, onto a single platform. The primary benefit is to enhance the user experience for both professional and non-professional Optimism users, allowing them to easily track all their protocol activities.


9 votes

Ux Improvement (UX Researcher)



11 votes