Introducing the Optimism team, mission, vision and goals.
OP Chinese Community is a Chinese community of Optimism developers co-sponsored by GCC, LXDAO, PlanckerDAO, Dengchain Community, and TraDAO. It is an organization that spreads the concept of Optimism technology and public goods and aims to become a bridge linking the Chinese community and the Optimism ecosystem, and to promote two-way communication between the Optimism ecosystem and the Chinese community. OP Chinese Power is a Chinese community focusing on the OP ecosystem under the GCC Chinese Power Program, incubated by GCC.
Optimism Chinese was born in January 2024 by the hand of some contributors and member of LXDAO, enthusiasts of the Optimism ecosystem, and Continuous builders of public goods.
We started with the translation of Mirror articles, the creation of original content, and Twitter space, we spread the word mainly in the Chinese-speaking world, and step by step we are popularizing Optimism and the idea of public goods in the Chinese-speaking world.
On December 27th, we held an offline workshop in Chiang Mai, Thailand to introduce Optimism collective and retropgf to more than 40 people, in which we discussed the governance of optimism collective and introduced the mechanics of retroPGF.
We have also brought the Optimism collection governance concept to Shanghai and Beijing, China.
Talk to them about Optimism's governance system and public goods in offline sessions totaling more than 50 people.
Not only do we organize face-to-face events, but we also co-organize Twitter space with many Chinese organizations to introduce RetroPGF and public goods.
At the same time, we also invited some of the industry's leading developers to share with us the technical concepts of op stack and popularize optimism among many developers.
During this period of time, we have done a lot of activities related to Optimism, gained a lot of attention from the Chinese community, and also drove a lot of projects and developers in the Chinese-speaking region to pay attention to Optimism. The recent Optimism Season 5, in which we popularized the idea of Optimism Season 5 to many Chinese-speaking developers and encouraged them to continue building in Optimism, attracted a total of more than 20 project applications from the Chinese-speaking region.