
Optimism Chinese Community is an organization that spreads the concept of Optimism and public goods, aiming to be a bridge between the Chinese-speaking community and Optimism, to promote the two-way communication between Optimism and the Chinese-speaking community, and to promote the prosperity of public goods.

Why are we doing this?

  1. RetroPGF has a very small percentage of applied Chinese language projects

In this RetroPGF#3 process, the voice of the Chinese-speaking community is relatively small, with no more than 20 Chinese-speaking community projects known to have applied, and Chinese-speaking community projects accounted for less than 4% of the 644 public goods projects applied for, and there are only 9 Chinese-speaking projects known to have won awards in this RetroPGF#3, accounting for 1.7% of the overall number of awards.

Name Ballot Pass(≥17)
Galxe 47 Yes
Dapp-Learning 45 Yes
WTF Academy 44 Yes
LXDAO 40 Yes
Soul Wallet 39 Yes
DeSchool 32 Yes
Remix CC 29 Yes
MyFirstLayer2 24 Yes
GoPlus Security 18 Yes
Donate3 16 No
EIP Fun 14 No
coinman 5 No
  1. Too few RetroPGF BadgeHolder holders

Vitalik mentioned in RetroPGF#1 that increasing the diversity of regions and roles among badge holders would lead to a fairer and more efficient distribution of RetroPGF as a whole.

In RetroPGF#3, we found that there are too few Chinese speakers, and even in the RetroPGF discussion, some badge holders don't know Chinese and can't evaluate the projects accurately and efficiently.



  1. The Chinese community's understanding of Optimism and public goods is too low.

In the Chinese community, many people tend to discuss the coin price, project investment and research, etc., while ignoring the power of public goods construction, at the same time, in the Optimism Chinese channel, many people's discussions tend to be related to OP airdrops, prices, etc., and no one has bothered to seriously study and understand the constructive role that OPs can bring in the public goods field.



We are going to set up the Optimism Chinese community around these three issues and gather everyone's strengths.

Some observations about the public goods ecosystem in Mandarin