Title: 8DAO Member System (Based on LXDAO Buidler Card)

Proposal Champion: Kahn

Date: 2022-12-28


8DAO Member System is based on LXDAO Builder Card, which provides convenient membership functions for the 8DAO community, a unique SBT card display, badges display, and other services.


Over the past few weeks, we have worked with 8DAO to discuss 8DAO's membership requirements based on the LXDAO Builder Card and sorted out the relevant documentation (Plan & Reqirement (Token Gate Member Page & SBT) (notion.site)).

The above requirement content is divided into three parts, which are

  1. Member display and management: member page website, connect wallet login, query member information; administrator can add and edit member information.
  2. SBT contract: The new initial members, active mint SBT to become official 8DAO members.
  3. Badge contract: the administrator airdrops NFT to reward members with outstanding performance every season.

This project is a collaboration between LXDAO and 8DAO and a good opportunity to promote the LXDAO builder card product.

Project Details

Member Page Website

  1. Not logged in page display (prompt requires linking wallet to view member list). ~4hrs FrontEnd
  2. Logged in page display (member list), delete some fields, and adjust the UI. ~14hrs FrontEnd and BackEnd
  1. Login is successful if the user has at least 200 tokens using a connected Ethereum wallet. ~2hrs BackEnd
  2. After successful login, the list of members is displayed.
  1. Login status, paginated list of members.
  2. You can fuzzy search the member list by name, address, and other information. ~1hrs
  1. admin connect wallet and login to the website, click add member, fill in the member wallet address, name, profile, social media information, skills, and other information, and click save. Only the database is stored, not IPFS. ~15hrs FrontEnd and Backend
  2. add a member to use the wallet. If you have at least 200 tokens, you can connect successfully.
  3. Mint the SBT after the profile is all set. ~5hrs FrontEnd and Backend
  1. Log in status, click member card, and check details, card view, page optimization, and field adjustment. ~6hrs FrontEnd
  2. Edit member detail view.
  3. Members can edit personal information on the detail view page by themselves or the admin. ~2hrs FrontEnd