The purpose of this proposal is to form a Web3Logo virtual team, recruit a developer, resolve legacy issues, and then bring Web3Logo to market.


Web3Logo is currently in the final stages of developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version and needs to be rapidly promoted in the current market conditions and validated. Therefore, it is proposed to establish a virtual group to drive this initiative forward.

Team & Responsibilities

  1. 1 * Full Stack Developer, to be recruited:

    1. Responsibilities:Fix existing issues in the current product;
    2. Requirements:Be familar with the tech stack of, see more tech stack details here.

  2. 1 * Product Manager, Davy:

    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Organize high-priority issues in the current product;
      2. Follow up with development to resolve issues;
      3. Coordinate with operations to drive product promotion;
      4. Collect user demands and feedback.
  3. Operations, incorporate into the daily work of the Operation Group:

    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Upload necessary logos;
      2. Promote the product, including but not limited to promoting usage to project parties and allowing project parties to upload logos themselves;
      3. Provide feedback on demands and issues to the product manager.

Application Process

  1. Date: Now ~ Mar 12, 2024.
  2. Reply to this topic directly with justifying why you are capable to the developer, remember to leave your wechat/TG ID as well for being contacted.
  3. Forge working group will review all applications (we may talk to you) and select the team members (we will also take into account the votes you received in forum. (Voting will be launched soon)
  4. All members may be subject to a probationary period if any individual does not meet expectations.


Developer and Product Manager: 1000 LXPU total from Forge Working Goup one-time, with the product manager accounting for 200 LXPU and the developer 800 LXPU.


  1. Mar 15, Complete development recruitment;
  2. Before March 26, resolve all online issues and demonstrate at the Forge weekly meeting;
  3. The first round of promotion will be conducted in April, and feedback will be collected and compiled into requirements.